Busy, Busy, Busy
Ok, anyone know where the pause button is?? Things are just swimming by so fast, my head is swimming. Is kind of like that scene in Disney's Alice in Wonderland at the end where she is being washed back past all the characters she met along her journey back to the door she first came through. Hmmm, maybe I'm dreaming??
Lets see last entry 4th May.....
05/05/07 Saw another victory for the now infamous Leopards. The score was 4/0 once again and we awarded player of the match to the only girl on our team Mikhaila, as she actually managed to stay on her feet for the majority of this game. She usually spends half her time on her butt!! Well done Mikhaila!!
06/05/07 Remember how they say that pets become like their owners?(or maybe it's visa versa?) Well i think in our current times their is an updated version to that. I think computers become like their owners. I say this because the power box in my computer died, and I am sure it was just in sympathy with me!! You see, my power box is feeling a bit low, it wants to die too, however my hard drive keeps arguing with it all the time.
Powerbox: "(Yawn) I'm tired, farr too overworked, I am burnt out, am going to have to stop running soon!"
Harddrive:" Oh no you don't, I am far too busy for you to go pulling stunts like that."
Powerbox:"But I just don't think I can run much more...I am sooooo tired!"
Harddrive:" Well look, I have to take the operating system to work, it needs to be there for a few more days, can you just hang on a bit longer??"
Powerbox: "I'll give it my best!"
Harddrive:"Thanks, I know you can do it!"
So Powerbox plugs away, coughing and spluttering and yawning, but gets harddrive and the operating system to work. So comes the weekend.
Powerbox:"Ok, time for me to conk out now!"
Hardrive:"No just not yet, just need to supervise the soccer program this morning, hang in there a bit longer."
Powerbox:"(Yawn) Ok, will try!"
And so on and so on, poor powerbox just has to keep on plugging away. If only he could shut down that blasted hard drive!!
After antoher busy week at work, we come to Saturday once again!
12/05/07 The Leopards play the Cubs today, and I am telling you that one of those cubs are lucky i didn't turkey slap him in the middle of the field. It seems the ref thought he was reffing a Rugby game, not soccer. One of the kids on the cubs team was at least twice the size of the kids on our team and not playing nice. After pulling Aidan back and throwing him to the ground he proceded to the next child and used his elbow on him. No penalties were called and play continued...not happy Jan. But it seems that these kids are driven by the types of parents that push their kids to win. Till today these kids were also undefeated! Not anymore. The Leopards beat them 8/1!! And they didn't play dirty to do it. Let that be a lesson to you Cubs....playing dirty is not the way to win....!!
Good win, Leopards, playing clean,
Beating Cubs who were so mean.
Way to go Aidan and team mates.
Hey sis, great job on your blog. Just started doing mine, will give you the link on msn.
Forgot to tell you that I loved your computer conversation. And they say "if only it could talk" Ha ha. You're a funny gal.
Hello Lovely girl.
I haven't forgotten about you. I'm blog hopping to catch up on everything. Give me a few weeks to settle back into a routine
Go Leopards! Good for them. Try and find some rest time for yourself before you burn out.
Take Care
all the best for your future...and your work
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